WK07 Continuation of Model Making and Light Experiments

WK07 Continuation of Model Making and Light Experiments

Modelling My Work Space - Mezzanine and Ceiling Experimentation

This week I made a refined mezzanine model out of boxboard (1:20 scale). I have also done some iterations of the ceiling from the past weeks to see how they would react with light.

In real life I have a trapezoidal roof, so to control my experiments I first started with the trapezium shape, then moved to triangular cuts and rectangular cuts to experiment with the light.

Trapezoidal Roof (original) + mezzanine model

Alternating small and slightly large hole punched roof

Triangular cut and fold wells

Abstract dimensional cut wells

1:50 Scale Model
To experiment with my room further, I made a model in 1:50 scale out of card to experiment with scaling of the mezzanine


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